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    Service description

    Assistive technology for visually impaired people

    Various assistive technology is available for blind, visually impaired or low vision employees and students of the University of Leipzig to borrow.

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    Service description

    PC workstations in Pool 1 (teaching pool) for training courses (Neues Augusteum)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in central PC pools. Some of these are separately designated as teaching pools, which are primarily reserved for teaching courses. The PC workstations are also equipped with special learning software and the rooms with interactive smartboards. Teaching pools are primarily reserved for courses and are therefore not always available. To reserve a course, please use our web form.

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    Service description

    PC workstations in S -05 for training courses (seminar building)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in the seminar building. Of these, 2 are separately designated as teaching pools, which are primarily reserved for teaching courses. The PC workstations are additionally equipped with special learning software and the rooms with interactive smartboards. Teaching pools are primarily reserved for courses and are therefore not always available.

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    Barrierefreie Arbeitsplätze für blinde und sehbehinderte bzw. hochgradig sehbehinderte Personen

    Im Computerpool für Sehgeschädigte im Neuen Seminargebäude in der Universitätsstraße 1, Raum S -013, bietet das Universitätsrechenzentrum der Universität Leipzig (URZ) barrierefreie Unterstützung für blinde und sehbehinderte Studierende sowie Beschäftigte der Universität an.

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    Service description

    PC workstations in Pool 3 (New Augusteum)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in central PC pools. Pool 3 is additionally equipped with iMacs. Furthermore, there is a DTP pool where you can scan and edit images.

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    Service description

    PC workstations in S -04 (seminar building)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in the seminar building. Of these, 2 are separately designated as teaching pools, which are primarily reserved for teaching courses. The PC workstations are additionally equipped with special learning software and the rooms with interactive smartboards. Teaching pools are primarily used for courses and are therefore not always available.

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    Service description

    PC workstations in S-01 for training courses (seminar building)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in the seminar building. Of these, 2 are separately designated as teaching pools, which are primarily reserved for teaching courses. The PC workstations are additionally equipped with special learning software and the rooms with large projections.

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    PC workstations in teaching pool H -01 (lecture hall building)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in the basement of the lecture hall building. Room H -01 is designated as a teaching pool, which is primarily reserved for courses.

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    Service description

    PC workstations in the foyer (Neues Augusteum)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in central PC pools. The bright and open pool in the foyer of the Augusteum comprises 30 workstations with URZ-equipped computers.

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    PC-Arbeitsplätze im Lehrpool H -02 (Hörsaalgebäude)

    The University Computer Centre provides PC workstations in the basement of the lecture hall building. Room H -02 is designated as a teaching pool, which is primarily reserved for courses. The PC workstations are additionally equipped with special learning software and the rooms with large projections, whiteboard and Smartboard. Room H -02 is also equipped with a printer.

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